Unfortunately Tahr Bazaar cannot now be at Yarndale this year. We are so very disappointed about this but, our newest stock item is keeping our mood up! Meet out KnitKnacks, hand-crafted needle and knitting keeps, made in the heart of the country by a good friend to Tahr Bazaar! Available in 3 sizes, (6.5'', 9'' and 13'') they are made from wood and as you may notice, some are brightly coloured! The rainbow versions also have routed lines on them at 1'' intervals to help keep an eye on how your work is growing.
You can order them via the website (www.tahrbazaar.co.uk) and prices are:
6.5'' plain wood = £45
6.5'' coloured = £48
9'' colours = £50
13'' plain = £53
13'' coloured = £55